
Diary Entry: Intro

Through the Twitterverse I heard about a scientific survey being done by Charlotte Hagstrom and Jessica Enevold in Sweden. The survey is about Gaming Moms. Something about it grabbed to contact these ladies... and next thing I knew, there were a set of diaries in my mailbox.

Through the Twitterverse I heard about a Swedish scientific survey about moms and gaming. After taking a deep breath and contacting Charlotte Hagstrom and Jessica Enevold, I eagerly waited for the game diary to find it's way to my mailbox.

When I received the envelope in the mail, I was excited to see what kind of information they were looking for besides what games were being played. What shouldn't have surprised me is that I spent a bit of time on Google Translator looking up what the Swedish instructions translated into English. Here is the 'rough' translation:

"Thank you for agreeing to complete a game diary. Questions and topics we would like you to take up in your text is which, or what games you play during days when you play and how long. Is it in long periods of connection, or brief moments, and how much, you play together every day? Tell us where you play (at home, at work, at another location) and also what happens while you play (eg. A child will help with anything, will head up, somebody is calling you, the phone rings). We are also interested in what you feel while you play: Is it a positive or negative experience, or perhaps both? Write what you know (eg. joy, stress, elation, boredom, irritation, relief, anger) and why (go up in rank, have unpleasant fellow players, succeed with something black)."

I will be interested in seeing their findings for several reasons:

  1. Gaming and being a mom doesn't necessarily mean the two are separate.

  2. Balancing certain games and family can be a game in themselves

  3. Gaming with the husband/father of your children doesn't mean an easier gaming time.

    I will be posting my daily diary entries on this blog for the next two weeks. Wish me luck in keeping up!